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Our Services - Overview

Do-It-Yourself Service Managed Portfolio Service Advisor Service
Type of service For Do-It-Yourself investors Fully managed portfolio Investment advice for Investment Advisors
Trades You execute the trades We execute the trades The advisor executes the trades
Broker Discount broker of your choice We recommend a broker3 The advisor's platform
Idema Fees1 250$/year 0.20% (min 750$/year) Variable
Recommended Minimum 25,000$ 75,000$ Variable
Maximum 1,000,000$ None None
Independant and personalised advice
Squirrel Code™ Benefits
All fees included2 0.19 % to 1.35% 0.35% to 1.30% Variable
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1. "Idema Fees" includes only the management fees of Idema Invesments. These fees vary depending on the characteristics of the service chosen. Other fees may apply such as transactions or administration fees charged by brokers. Visit the page of the service you are interested in for more details.

2. "All Fees included" takes into account  management fees of Idema Invesments, disclosed management fees of Exchange Trade Funds (ETF) and an estimate of annual trading costs. Trading costs vary depending on the chosen broker and trading frequency. This estimate is shown for illustrative purposes only and is computed using the minimum and maximum recommended portfolio size for each service. It is possible that these costs be higher or lower than the indicated range. Please visit the pages of each services for more details.

3. All clients of the Managed Portfolio Service must open an account with NBCN Inc. (subsidiary of National Bank) or Interactive Brokers Canada, as recommended by  Idema Invesments. These brokers are registered with the Canadian regulatory authorities.

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